Computer Rendering, Art, & Design

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Welcome to Computer Rendering, Art, & Design (CRAD) Homepage! This is a social networking club that helps students expand their skills in their computer-based creations. On top of this, we provide aid in creating student's networks and connections to many industries. Everyone is welcomed to join and look at our schedule to find our next meeting or event!
Students in this club have an opportunity to attend Game Developers Conference (GDC) where they can network with those in multiple industries, show off their work, and potentially find job opportunities. If you have any questions about GDC please email any officers or come to our next meeting and ask there!









Members Benefits

Members are able to connect to other students who are interested in the related field as them. On top of this, students can join in on our workshops to learn, advance, or practice their skills in many software applications found in many industries including: software engineering, gaming, animation, multimedia, etc.

Students who go above and beyond in this club have a chance of going to Game Developers Conference! If you are interested, please email any officers about this great opportunity.

Events & Activities

Our meetings and events can be found here!


Join our discord server to connect with other members in our community!
Click here to join our discord server!
Discord Invite Link


Please email the contact for this community if you have any questions!

Our Officers

Molly Webb Profile

Molly Webb

Student Engagement (DSE) Advisor
Samuel Fuhrman Profile

Samuel Fuhrman

Joshua Nichols Profile

Joshua Nichols

Donald Paladino Profile

Donald Paladino

Sophomore Class Rep
Everett Kelsey Profile

Everett Kelsey

Collin Wilkerson Profile

Collin Wilkerson

Derek Fisher Profile

Derek Fisher

Content Advisor
Allison Evdokimo Profile

Allison Evdokimo

Sophomore Class Rep
Sophia Katsanis Profile

Sophia Katsanis

Junior Class Rep
Anesah Price Profile

Anesah Price
