Alcohol at On-Campus Events

The University acknowledges that alcohol may be involved with certain on-campus events. When that is the case, alcohol should be considered a secondary activity and not the sole purpose/focus of the event.
An RSO wanting to have an event with alcohol on campus must complete the Alcohol Approval Form at least three (3) weeks prior to the event. The Department of Student Engagement and Campus Safety reserve the right to approve or deny these requests.

The following policies apply:

Alcohol over 15% ABV is not permitted to be served and/or consumed

Only alcohol that is being served at the event may be consumed at the event. Individuals may not bring alcohol to an event.

Alcohol must be served by a licensed bartender through Sodexo.

Food and alternative non-alcoholic beverages must be made readily available, at no additional cost.

An ERAU-affiliated advisor (or other ERAU employee designee) must be present for the duration of the event.

Attendance is limited to members of the campus community and their pre-invited guests.

Anyone who is consuming or in the possession of alcohol is subject to being checked for appropriate identification as proof of being the legal drinking age of 21

All individuals who are serving, in possession of, or consuming alcohol must be 21 years of age or older. They must have their age verified through an ID check and will be properly identified by monitors (wristband, stamp, etc.)

The sponsoring RSO must appoint monitors to circulate at the event and ensure that everyone consuming alcohol is properly identified (wristband, stamp, etc.), and to watch for signs of over intoxication.

Anyone who appears to be intoxicated will be denied service of any additional alcohol.