RSOs are required to seek immediate medical assistance for their members or guests when any potential health risk is observed, including medical emergencies related to the use of alcohol and/or drugs. While RSOs are not eligible for full amnesty under the Responsible Action Policy, the actions of a RSO that seek immediate assistance from appropriate sources will be taken into consideration if the organization finds themselves within the conduct system. RSOs that fail to seek immediate medical assistance for members or guests in need of attention will likely be charged with violations of the Standards of Conduct and face dissolution or termination as the outcome of such charges. It is imperative that RSOs seek medical assistance for their members or guests in such an emergency situation.
Embry-Riddle's Responsible Action Policy is not intended to shield or protect those RSOs that repeatedly violate the Standards of Conduct. In cases where repeated violations of Embry- Riddle's Standards of Conduct occur, the University reserves the right to take judicial action on a case-by-case basis regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported. Additionally, the University reserves the right to adjudicate any case in which the violations are egregious.