From: Date: March 23, 2022 Subject: AEA General Meeting: Minutes ~ 22 March 2022
Good Evening!
Thank you for coming tonight! It feels like we have a better turnout every week! (But I wouldn't know because not everyone fills out the attendance poll :)
Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 05, 2022, at 7:00 pm in Room 60A.
At this week's meeting, we announced a date for our thrift trip, learned about ways to reduce waste in the kitchen on a college student's budget, and held elections for the Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 term.
Our thrifting field trip is set to begin Saturday, April 9, 2022, at 2:00 pm. We will travel to several locations around the Prescott area. If you know of any good shops, let us know!
During Sharing is Caring, Noelle told us that crickets are the future of sustenance! If only they weren't so expensive...
Katie's Product Plug was a documentary and book entitled Sacred Cow. Typically, environmentalists subscribe to the idea that cows and the meat industry are detrimental to the environment. (This vegetarian environmental activist isn't biased at all.) Sacred Cow argues the opposite. It is important to expose ourselves to new and opposing ideas so that we can learn more about the world and how to protect it.
Noelle Kartvedt gave her presentation entitled "Sustainability in the Kitchen". There are tons of great sustainable products that we can use instead of single-use plastics: bee wrap, reusable bags, reusable containers (glass is best), reusable coffee filters and k-cups, silicone baking sheets, etc., etc.
These products are great! But for a college student? The prices aren't exactly practical. Some of these products can be found at thrift shops, and some can be made at home on a budget! See below for information about bee wax wrap and a tutorial on how to make your own!
Finally, elections were held resulting in the following appointments:
Vice President: Kate Shriki and Haley Harris tied! We are reviewing our bylaws to ensure the legitimacy of this vote. Updates to come.
Treasurer: Chris Eggen (Katie gave a great impression speech)
Secretary: Madx Cole
Public Relations Officer: Haley Matthews (Again, great impression by Katie)
Garden Team Lead: Ty Holbrook
Engineering Team Lead: Titan Berson
The meeting concluded, general members were dismissed, and the Project Committees convened. See below for the project meeting recaps.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 05, 2022, at 7:00 pm in Room 60A. See you then!
-Madx, AEA Secretary /ßÉáòßå¢≅ßɃ\
In Noelle's Presentation, she showed us how to make bee wax wrap! Here is a video tutorial as well as links to where you can get cheap supplies needed:
Oven: Ask a friend if you don't have one. A toaster oven can work too.
Bees do so much more than provide wax and honey!
"Did you know that there are 4,000 different bee species native to North America?
"Native bees might not spend much time in the spotlight, but they make a huge contribution to our environment and our economy. In 2009, the crop benefits from native insect pollination in the United States were valued at more than $9 billion dollars.
"Sadly, native bees are struggling just as much as honey bees. Many species are endangered (read more about their endangerment here), and a few have already gone extinct." [Source]
Read about ways to help the bees from home here and here!
Header Photo is free for commercial use
Sub-header Photo by Sophie Nengel on Unsplash
Project Committee Meeting Recaps
Revisiting topics that were assigned are related to energy land:
Research energy sources
Research other topics related to energy land
Writing the "story" for energy land
Seeing if any other universities have done or are doing a similar demonstration.
Assignment of one-page research.
Hour-long work session this Thursday (24 March 2022) from 7-8 pm in the library. This session is for the team to work on their reports while Titan is available for them in person.
Contact Titan ( for more details or if you are interested in joining this project.
Community Garden:
Must compose a 5-year business plan for the garden before a site can be approved. The business plan is almost complete.
Moving forward on compost initiative:
The farmer's market compost group will work with us!
They will accept pre-consumer waste (kitchen scraps).
We must acquire bins for collecting compost.
We must transport the compost to the farmer's market every week (2 weeks at the LATEST).
Our current status with Sodexo and composting through them is that we just need to know the volume of compost they create in order to get compost bins.
Indoor gardening:
We have seeds for individual container gardening.
Madx has seedlings for several crops--including Prescott Variety tomatoes! The full list of seeds and seedlings is going out later this week.
We need to obtain various pots and trays. This can include saved (and cleaned) Earhart's plastic containers and Starbucks and WOW cups. Please collect these and contact Ty for pick up.
Contact Ty ( for more details or if you are interested in joining this project.
Saturday, April 23: Earth Day on the Square
Slow Food Prescott will have a table with activities:
Wildflower seed balls and pea planting in cups.
Explaining Slow Food and signing up people for the newsletter.
Can you volunteer to help for a 2-hour shift?
Saturday, April 30: Farmer's Market Seed Exchange
Come help distribute seeds. Gardening experience preferred.
OR you can tell people all about Slow Food and ask them to sign up for your newsletter.
This year's Plant a Seed kit celebrates the power of pulses: get 20-40 seeds of six different Ark of Taste bean plants, a Bean Zine, envelopes to pay it forward and share seeds with your community, and more. North America and Whole Foods Market support this year's campaign! ORDER YOUR SEED KIT HERE
Arcosanti Presents: Living with the Land: Part 2
Food in the Desert Speaker Series
Dr. James Allen: What is a Food Forest and Why Should You Want One? / Saturday April 16th, 11am - 12:15pm
Kat Thompson: Edible Landscaping / Saturday, April 16th, 1pm - 2:15pm
Don Titmus: Rain Water Harvesting/ Saturday, April 23rd, 11am - 12:15pm
Kristin Parsons: Successfully Integrating Regenerative Agriculture Practices, Education, and Scale Into Homestead Design / Saturday, April 23rd, 1pm - 2:15pm