Athletics Facilities
Activity Center, Eagle Gym, Turf Field, Grass Recreation Fields, Pool/Field Ramadas, Volleyball Courts, and Swimming Pool
Activity Center, Eagle Gym, Turf Field, Grass Recreation Fields, Pool/Field Ramadas, Volleyball Courts, and Swimming Pool
All reservations must be made 14 days in advance of the event or the reservation will be rejected and should be made for no more than 2 hours so that others have a chance to use a facility (unless otherwise approved). All reservations should be considered tentative until confirmed by the Department of Athletics.
Organizations who no longer plan to utilize their reservation must contact the Student Union Front Desk ( or 928-777-3781) no later than 4:00pm on the day of their event Monday-Friday or no later than 4:00pm on Friday for a weekend event.
Failure to provide notification and "no-showing" your reservation will result in the following lost privileges:
First offense: Next athletic facility reservation will be cancelled
Second offense: All athletic facility reservations for the next 30 days will be cancelled and no new athletic facility requests will be approved
Third offense: All athletic facility reservations for the remainder of the semester will be cancelled, no new athletic facility requests will be approved, and potential student organization conduct charges may be filed
Put in a Facilities workorder to use the barbecue grills in these areas.
Should a sponsoring organization cancel an event, it must contact the Department of Athletics immediately.
The varsity baseball, soccer, and softball fields are available for use only by permission of the Department of Athletics. These areas are not to be used for general recreation purposes
If an event in either the Activity Center or Eagle Gym will require tables, chairs, food, or other items that could damage the floor, a protective "blue floor" covering needs to be put down by Facilities. Scheduling the "blue floor" needs to be coordinated through the Department of Athletics. All other support requests for events need to be made through the Facilities or Information Technology Offices.
The ability to continue outdoor activities will be based on the following hazard levels provided by the Earth Networks WeatherBug application: