Launched in November 2017, EagleSat-1's mission was to track the orbital decay of a small mass. It took five years to turn the idea to evolve into an actual satellite.
To the right is the mission patch from its launch on ELaNa XIV.
Planned to launch in 2025, EagleSat-2's mission is to monitor the degradation of types of commercial computer memory when exposed to radiation in low earth orbit. It has taken eight years to develop and will be the first EagleSat satellite to use an in-house payload platform.
To the left is the flight hardware for the Memory Degradation Experiment Payload.
Completed in October 2024, the EagleSat Ground Station is being used to maintain communications with EagleSat Satellites after launch. It has taken four years to develop and made first contact with EagleSat-1 in November 2024. It will be used to monitor and collect data from EagleSat-2 after it is launched in 2025.
To the right is the EagleSat Ground Station rotary antenna.
We have been assigned to a Northrup Grumman launch by Voyager Space, our launch provider, which will be launching in June 2025. EagleSat-2 will be delivered to the International Space Station to be commissioned into Low Earth Orbit.
The EagleSat Ground Station Operations Team will support data collection for the EagleSat-1 and EagleSat-2 missions, and will train Embry-Riddle students for radio operation.
The EagleSat LIGO team will support memory degradation data collection for continued research from EagleSat-1 and EagleSat-2.
We are working on improving the current EagleSat Satellite Platform (developed first for EagleSat-2) to make the design more accessible and configurable. We want a platform that can be easily and rapidly reconfigured for different payloads and sizes.
We are working on improving the EagleSat Control Software Package (developed first for EagleSat-2) to add features and enable customization. We want a software package which standardized integration with hardware platforms and payload communication protocols.
We are working on improving our public outreach efforts by creating floor models of EagleSat hardware for guest demonstration and interaction. We additionally are improving our facilities to allow prospective students and families to enter and observe EagleSat engineers at work.